7/24/2011 | By: Alex

Butterflies WIP

Butterfly Girl WIP
Still a work in progress this one. I'm not happy about the way the legs turned out, but I'm too lazy to adjust them... I'm really curious about how this one will turn out. I don't think I've ever used so many colours in one picture. It seems appropriate though, since butterflies make me think of spring and spring makes me think of rainbows... and candy... and bright colours.

Also, this is kind of an experiment in SAI (new program, still learning the shortcuts for it). I like it for the base colouring but I think I'll stick to Photoshop for the rest (more brushes, patterns, textures, filters...).

I don't know when I'm going to finish it though... I got a job and the next few weeks will be hard until I adjust with the schedule from 5 freaking 30 in the morning. I'll have to wake up at 4 a.m.... And I'm the least morning person. I wish people would work nights and sleep days away. I'd fit right in.
7/05/2011 | By: Alex


An old file I had lying in my computer and decided to mock-color it this afternoon. Nothing fancy, just some bees and a beehive.
7/04/2011 | By: Alex

Girl and Snake Finished

Girl and Snake
Finally finished!:D I had fun with the background (just a bunch of colours thrown together:D).
And look!!! I actually added patterns... Although... I'm thinking of just drawing them for the next one, it would look better... meh!
And, hmm... the girl and the snake are... floating? Or maybe she's leaning on the snake and the snake if oh, so powerful and can lift her up on his scales or something...>_>
7/01/2011 | By: Alex


   I live in a small house and share the backyard with two other houses, in one of them living an old lady. Now, this lady owns all three houses and I pay rent to her. Lately she's had in mind only modernizing her houses (she's probably going to either try to make me pay her more rent or kick me out for refusing). Anyway, today she called some guy to put new windows to two of the rooms in my house. Problem was, said guy came with a 4 year old daughter with way to much energy, verbal diarrhea and dumb questions. Not to mention sticky hands.
   I'm not saying I hate kids... yet... Hell, I'll probably love them when I grow older, but now they just annoy the hell out of me. Always touching things they shouldn't, putting gum on my pillows, trying to kill my cat, Engine, the list could go on forever...
   In any case, since my neighbour decided she wanted new windows and wanted to "supervise" the guy (in other words get in his way), I was stuck with watching over the kid. From my part, the girl could run in circles in the backyard until tomorrow, but the little demon thought it was funny to consider me her friend!
   She stayed glued to me for the entire time, occasionally trying to kick me when I wasn't paying attention and more often being a pest! She tried to clean the mouse from the computer with spit, which is not only gross but also... no, it's just plain gross. Then she started to try to "kill" the stuff toys I got from my sister and friends on my birthday (is this toycide?). Finally, she tried to put nails into the opening of my ventilator, saying she would start the big, white thing even if she put all her dad's nails inside... I stopped her... mostly...
   I now have to fix the bloody ventilator on top of cleaning the mess that guy and his devil of a kid did in my house.
   My neighbour's insight? She called a girl to take pictures saying something about evaluating the bloody house. Please! I know the damn girl! She works for a real estate agency.
   Things just keep getting better and better...X_X
   I did learn a valuable lesson from all this though: NEVER HAVE A KID!!! JUST GET ONE WHO's OLDER, 16-17 yo, so that I never have to deal with this kind of crap again! Emo, rock and drama I can manage, but a 4 year old with dumb questions and an evil mind? No, thank you!