3/31/2012 | By: Alex


As some of you know, I have another blog for my stories, Mesmeria. I'm going to delete that blog soon and move the short stories from there to here (I won't be posting the translations though, just the English versions). I've given the explanation on why I'm deleting on that blog.
Hopefully, when my Muse returns from her vacation I'll finish the stories from Mesmeria and post them here.
Wish me luck (and a quick return of the bitch:P).
3/30/2012 | By: Alex

Imagination vs. the World

Oh, how I wish my imagination would have a pen of its own and it wouldn’t use me as a medium to write and draw. Sometimes my imagination seems a drag. I see things most people do not and do things that don’t always make sense, not to everybody anyway. It’s hard to live with an imagination in an unimaginative world filled with boring people. They see a leaf, I see a piece that fell of a tree, a piece of the fairy that shed her wings or perhaps brushed her hair, I see the beginning of autumn as it is brought by the goddess of the fading light and russet colored hair.
Do you see what I mean now? I see so many things in one little leaf where most people would just see a dead thing. And that annoys me to hell and back. We should all keep our imaginations or we should all be left without them. Otherwise some of us will be left out, left to be treated as oddities and worse sometimes, idiots.
I want, not a perfect world because there would be no more room for improvement, but a world where everyone’s eyes would be either wide open or firmly closed.
I want a dream and I’m aware of it.
At least I have my sleep where my world is almost perfect and therefore… I am content.

~ I'm feeling a little down tonight, perhaps because of the rain, perhaps because of the damn cold that keeps threatening me lately. Perhaps a different reason altogether. Who knows? It's because of my mood that I wrote this though. I don't really have any other news to give you guys, sorry. No new drawings since my work's been hectic and my muse kinda left me for a warmer climate (Hell bitch?). Anyway... I still have a couple of days off so I'll try to draw and write some stuff, see where that leads. If it'll be something good I'll post it here. Until then: May your Muse be less of a bitch than mine is. Cheers! 
3/03/2012 | By: Alex

The Bearhog Bunny

 A few sketches I made to get a general idea before drawing the bearhog bunny:


Special ability: THE DEADLY FART!
 - may also use his tusks to skewer you, his claws to get to your heart of his egg-pooping technique to give you food poisoning.
- uses his tail to attract bunny hunters.

Location: BEHIND YOU!!!

Bright Goddess

Another drawing made on paper first, then scanned and colored over with the mouse in Photoshop:
It's more of an electric goddess if I think about it...
3/01/2012 | By: Alex

Bone Monster

Old work, going through my computer, found this. It was originally drawn on paper with a pen, then scanned and drawn over with the mouse in Photoshop. I wanted to draw a monster, maybe I'll color it one of these days.