7/28/2012 | By: Alex

Music for your Muse no. 5

Bon Jovi - Misunderstood
Queen - The show must go on
Queen - I want to break free
Skid Row - 18 and life
7/27/2012 | By: Alex

TWH lucky chapter

Ok... so it's raining outside and I'm writing like crazy. Must be because in the last few days I haven't been able to write anything... It just built up. Kinda like the heat. Now it's raining and I'm writing.

I'm going to keep the lucky chapter short. Don't want to make many mistakes in the plot with this one. I'm kinda superstitious and since it's number 13 I'm afraid I'm going to let on more than I want to.:)

Anyway, chapter 14 is almost ready to be put online, maybe later this week (Sunday?) or at the beginning of next week. There will also be a new part of Royal Pain tomorrow.

7/14/2012 | By: Alex

Music for your Muse no. 4

I wrote my best pieces while listening to this song. Magical. How I wish I could go see Ireland and listen to this song while enjoying the scenery.
Another beautiful song from Loreena McKennitt. I'm in the mood for this type of songs right now. Yesterday I listened to '80's songs. Tomorrow it's probably going to be Finnish rock.
Blackmore's Night - Way to Mandalay
This actually turned into a very good drinking song one time...:))

7/08/2012 | By: Alex

Stress relief

Lately I've been drawing a lot of butterflies... I dunno why... Maybe in my mind they symbolize spring. And spring I like the best (it's too freaking hot in the summer).
Oriental dancer
Because I've been practicing a lot with drawing movement. Can't say I've advanced much. Mostly I threw away the sketches because they were awful.
I'd kill for a swim in a beautiful pond... Now if I could only find a pretty pond. And learn how to swim...
I've played Nancy Drew: The Tomb of the Lost Queen yesterday. Inspired me somehow.

Sorry for the crappy quality of these drawings. I don't recommend you click on the pictures. A larger, crappier image will show up. Sketched them yesterday and filled them with color today (literally filled them with color, I was too lazy to use even the brush tool in PS). These were done for stress relief. I feel better now.
7/03/2012 | By: Alex

Review: Strange Angels

Strange Angels
Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book made me remember one of my favourite shows, Supernatural. It has zombies, loup-garous, dhampyrs, vampires and a whole assortment of supernatural beings which is really cool. Besides that though, it has a lot of funny moments and some lines that made me laugh out loud.
I look forward to the next books in the series and I'm going to search other books written by this author.

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