7/24/2011 | By: Alex

Butterflies WIP

Butterfly Girl WIP
Still a work in progress this one. I'm not happy about the way the legs turned out, but I'm too lazy to adjust them... I'm really curious about how this one will turn out. I don't think I've ever used so many colours in one picture. It seems appropriate though, since butterflies make me think of spring and spring makes me think of rainbows... and candy... and bright colours.

Also, this is kind of an experiment in SAI (new program, still learning the shortcuts for it). I like it for the base colouring but I think I'll stick to Photoshop for the rest (more brushes, patterns, textures, filters...).

I don't know when I'm going to finish it though... I got a job and the next few weeks will be hard until I adjust with the schedule from 5 freaking 30 in the morning. I'll have to wake up at 4 a.m.... And I'm the least morning person. I wish people would work nights and sleep days away. I'd fit right in.


Anonymous said...

gorgeous! i love the palette you're using! very airy n light. n summery, as you wrote! x3' also very much love her wings. if you would have wanted her more insect like, i think you could have lengthen her legs a tad bit more - but then again. i'm a sucker for long legs in drawn characters,n ofc i think she would look even more fabb with! x'DD but I CAN*T BELIVE you did this in sai! i mean, HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!:O i only get like, color-goo when i use sai(iäm experimenting n learning sai portable). D': it almost looks like you used indesign, or some other more graphic vector based program. VERY VERY pretty, can't wait to see it finished! :DD

n yeaaah.. work is.. well, necesary but still.. one would like to have more time drawing. ^^' luckily for me, i get a few opportunities within my work to draw a little when the need for help is running low.

i know it will go well for you n that you'll soon join the LIGHTside n become like us other morning-ppl! tee hee~! xDD'

Alex said...

=))Thanks for that. I hope I come to the lightside as well... Do you have cookies?:D

As for Sai, well, I have to admit I cheated. The initial drawing was made on paper with a pencil then I scanned and painted over it with a mouse in Sai... It took a ridiculous amount of time seeing as I usually keep the pencil lines but it was fun. I used layers, setting the lineart on top (with Multiply, so I could still see it as I coloured the other layers) and when it was finished I deleted the lineart.

Also: "i get a few opportunities within my work to draw a little when the need for help is running low. "... Lucky you!:XD:

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

yes yes! cookies is a must when waking up in the middle of the nigh.. eerh. i mean, in the morning, when everyone and all should be up as well.. ahem. xD'

came out great anyho! i really thought it looked like a.illustrator-work when i first saw the img, so that's quite impressive! x3 i'm really curious now as to how this will turn out when finished! :D