11/18/2011 | By: Alex


This month, as I've written before, I started the NaNoWriMo Challenge. I've already written a lot (more than half) of it and I'm pretty sure I'll reach my mark (50000 words) by the end of the month.
That's not the point of this post though.
Because I've been constantly checking how many words I wrote, I got curious enough to wonder myself... just how many words have I ever written? Now, I obviously can't sum everything I've ever written up. However, I can and did actually, sum up everything that I've written (concerning stories and whatnot) that I've found in my computer. This doesn't include school assignments (although adding those would probably double everything up:D).
I have in my folder titled "My stories" a few categories:
I have Mesmeria, with its multi sub-folders (for every area in Mesmeria): 238225 words !!!
Then there is the "Finished" folder with dozens of short stories (most of them suck though): 26924 words
"Other Stories" folder (where the stories that don't happen in Mesmeria and that have something to do with fantasy end up): 26813 words
Chrono - 2215 words (some synopsis on one of my stories)
I dreamed the end of the world - 381 words (a dream I've had with zombies that I wanted to dissect with a friend but never got around to do it... sadly...)
Story beginning - 46 words (a fleeting idea that needed to be put on paper... er... screen?)
General Book of Potions... - 2955 words (this was my Harry Potter phase... don't ask...)
Pirates - 1883 words (my "make a game" phase... I was supposed to write the plot for a game that a bunch of us cooked up but the project fell through...)
Last, but not least, there is a story I was writing online with this girl from the other side of the country. It was fun until I went to college... Then I gave a lot of things up, writing was part of them for a while at least. We never really finished this story: "Jeux a la Magie" - 28688 words (written with Ana).

I stopped and thought about this after I've actually seen how much I've written... Without counting the collaboration, I'm almost at my 300000 word mark.

So, here's to 300000!!!
Over and out!


Anonymous said...

wow!that's super cool!://O i wonder how many words i've written throughout the years.. :s ANYHO. i can't ignore that little thing that you wrote about those finished short stories.. "MOST OF THEM sucks". that means, there are those that are good, yes? worthy of, waah i dunno.. online publication maybe? x//3'

GO GO MAYA! i'm cheering you on!:DD FIGTHOO!

Alex said...

Bah! I've written this nice reply a few minutes ago but Google doesn't like to be used on a Saturday night apparently, because it kept giving me error messages.
So... Thank you! I'm too lazy to repeat the message that unfortunately has been lost (I'm copy/pasting this just in case), so I'll write an abbreviated reply:
The stories that suck are in my "never write like this again" folder, just a reminder that I actually wrote so freakishly bad. Whenever I think what I just wrote sucks, I go and read one of those short stories. I instantly feel better about myself since I realize I actually made some progress over the years.


I stopped and reread what I just wrote... It's officially longer than the initial message.:) My attempt to reduce it has failed... Houston, we have a problem!

Anonymous said...

GAHWD.i HATE it when that happens! DD:< but didn't you have any of them short stories that you still like, or is it all bad? i should rename my stories-folder to "never write (like this) again" - it's catchy. ;)

Alex said...

I like the subject that I used at some of them, but the style in which I wrote them is so very different from mine, definitely not something I'd write again or even read. I don't share anything I wouldn't like to read myself.:)

Anonymous said...

i'm all for that, n very much respect you for it!:D i will look forward to more high-quality writing from you such as that of mesmeria (i still have some left to read,yayy!! <3).