3/31/2012 | By: Alex


As some of you know, I have another blog for my stories, Mesmeria. I'm going to delete that blog soon and move the short stories from there to here (I won't be posting the translations though, just the English versions). I've given the explanation on why I'm deleting on that blog.
Hopefully, when my Muse returns from her vacation I'll finish the stories from Mesmeria and post them here.
Wish me luck (and a quick return of the bitch:P).


Anonymous said...

who is this muse,i wonder?a real person?(omfgthatwouldbesoawesome!x//3') n i just read the "imagination vs world"-post as well. please stay strong you colorful n most wonderful of people! it's people like yourself that color the world for others,snap them out of the grey if only for short moments. <3

Alex said...

No, sadly it isn't a real person (itotallyagreeitwouldbesoawesome!:)) but just some feeling that I get sometimes that makes my hands itch to hold a pen and draw or write. Sometimes it just comes to me out of nowhere and sometimes I have to think about what I want to write or draw and then look up images or stories that would give me the right feeling (for example, if I want to draw something spooky I look up pictures of ghosts or creepy houses). Thank you for your comment, it means the world to me to think that somehow, somewhere I made even the tiniest difference through my work and brought a smile on someone's face.

Anonymous said...

so,i have now read all that you have written on zombiedeskmesmeria.blogspot so far on the story of mesmeria n i gotta say it's growing on me big time!old fantasy-geek i am, so this whole story really put me in a warm, nostalgic mood., i find it both thrilling n decievingly familiar- this is truly fantasy at it's core with an immensely developed world,intrigue, characters n i suspect plot. i found myself impressed so many times just in the manner of your writing,- you have a very clear n outright beautiful way of portraying your world of mesmeria with words. also, i'm most impressed how naturally i find some of the characters lines to be. writing lines i think is one of the most complicated n delicate things to do(i'm BADBADBAAAADh at it,but oh so picky when it comes to others-n ofc my own- work. bad lines can kill a story wether it be book,movie or comic in the matter of seconds). you on the other hand, have written plenty of lines that i find splendidly written n above all, fits PERFECTLY in it's context. one of my favs is when kas firmly ask the ethereal body of teagan to leave in ch.04. short, n precise, n so in touch with what's happening right there n then(AND true to the character!). i can't praise you enough.i think this is truly magnificent authorship! like everyone n all,one can always get better n more consistant with their work(I THINK,andimightbe thinkingCRAPbcuzletsbeREALyoudidn'taskfforthiscritique- some parts of the story,lines included needs work to be as brilliant as the truly GREAT parts..but then again: I THINK nmightbethinkingmonkeycrap.m(_ _)m), but i also really think that if you want it, you're WELL on your way of becoming a great (illustrating)author!!. seriosly, you have the talent,drive n passion inside of you. not to mention, a poetic way with words that are few granted. you're also one of the most imaginative ppl i know, so.. please never stop writing!!that would be a terrible loss for all of those who have yet to find your excellent work. <3

on another note: very curious of what happens next in the story, but also have a suggestion that you would upload all the chapters in order in just one single big post here on zombie desk,n when you have written a new chapter you just add it to the old post, writing a new post that one can read the continuation? this so that one can read mesmeria withouth having to "look"for the next/previous chapter among other not-mesmeria-related-posts.. you see, i'm lazy,just wanna scroll. x'DD

ANYHO. GREAT GREAT GREAT work maya!! you're a true inspiration,n i hope your muse will soon return to your side! (you know i only think this not-a-real-person-muse sounds even more romantically-artist-awesome,yeah?) ;)

Alex said...

Oh, man... You always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! You have no idea how happy it makes me to know you've read AND liked (which is always a plus) my story. Honestly, this is probably draft no. 9999999 of Mesmeria (since I first started it in 2007 - GAWD! FIVE freaking years ago - in September) so my characters have had a VERY long time to develop their own personalities. Sometimes I try to write the next chapter on Mesmeria when suddenly one of the characters refuses to cooperate and just go on his/her way and does something completely different - like the shovel part that comes in chapter 5 (which is my favorite so far). I'm getting off point though. What I was originally trying to say was that this story is far from being finished and polished and thrown out of the nest so until I considered it done and ready I'll keep teaching her to fly (I'm not sure I made a lot of sense here but whatever).
Thank you so much for your feedback! It means a lot to me and helps me to improve my characters, my plot, my way of telling the story!

In answer to your other note: I was thinking of uploading each chapter individually on zombiedesk but with a link to each chapter at the beginning or maybe a link to a downloadable Word document that would contain everything (or PDF if I decide to add drawings and sketches such as maps and character sheets or simply doodles of Mesmeria).

Sadly my muse isn't back from her vacation yet but she did send me some postcards that made me draw some stuff. I'll finish them soon, mess with them in Photoshop and then upload them here.

...and now to pray that Firefox doesn't closes without warning because this is really a very long answer.:D

Anonymous said...

haha!i know that feeling about characters having their own personas-in my head my charas are always much more.. uhm. less silly.x'D but ah, now I'M off point! -i think it's admirable to work thoroughly with your story/-ies,but that there is also the danger of NEVER being satisfied n then get fed up on your own work cuz' it's not "going anywhere".(look who's talking (_ _)')at least i struggle with that. have you ever felt anything like that? has it ever been a point where you're just SO DARN DEAD-TIRED of mesmeria that you've thought of quitting?, AND IF NOT- how do you keep the "flame burning" so to speak(/how do you motivate yourself to keep going with this one story)? :3

n ooh!that sounds nice too!:D that downloadable pdf/word.doc containing all of your published mesmeria writing sounds AWESOME!i would def. get myself a zombie desk mesmeria folder on my comp! heh!*forever creepingly stalking.

so happy to hear about the upcoming drawings! waaaaiii~!DHRAWLINGS!x3' looking forward to 'em!

..oh!n one more thing. this shovel part in ch05 of mesmeria sounds most interesting!i SO WANT TO READ!!my imagination is running wild-who, what, why, when, to whom?!!!xDD

Alex said...

In my head, the characters are way more silly than in real life, sometimes horny, sometimes sappy, sometimes just plain mean and nasty. Most of the time funny though.
And I've been fed up with this story for years, but everytime I have that feeling I start a new story that still happens in Mesmeria, but in another year (maybe a hundred years later or before Cassie's story), in another place (not Adva) and with a completely different plotline. I write there until I get the feeling I want to continue on Cassie. It worked so far.:D
And I can post in a comment the shovel part. It's not really related (much) to the story and was written purely for fun. It's not very long either.:)