6/02/2012 | By: Alex

Random Rant

I don't know why but every time I want to make a new post I'm at a loss for words. And right before bed I get these amazing ideas for stuff I could talk endlessly about. But right now I'm sitting in front of my monitor and can't think of a single thing to talk about.
It makes me remember a post I found on 9gag some time ago, about how we, humans are like a game of SIMS for God. And when we can't remember something is because God deleted that from our memory. Somehow it seems better than admitting I'm so darn forgetful.
Maybe that's the reason why I like lists. They bring order to my mind. Also... I like checking things off the list.
Anyway, since I can't remember what I wanted to talk about, I'll just name this post Random Rant and go on from there.
This week I found a great offer for books, 7 for like... 2 dollars each (the first 4 from the Vampire Diaries series and the Secret Circle trilogy), and I convinced some friends to also order so that I wouldn't have to pay the transport (it was an offer from a website). I'd already read the books but I have this glitch in my brain that makes me crave to hold the books in my hands and call them mine (Gollum-like obsession for books I guess). I'll soon need a new bookcase, since mine is already full.
Moving on... let's see... I also found someone willing to exchange a book with me. I have two copies of Tempted from the House of Night (moron that I am, I bought two by mistake) so I'll give one and get a copy of Untamed (which I'm missing). Yey!
Moving on yet again.
I'm looking for a new place to stay since I really hate the house I'm in now so I might turn M.I.A. for some time if I find something new (lots of stuff to move plus there will probably be no internet) but I'm jumping ahead, I haven't found anything yet.
Next chapter of TWH will be up tomorrow and the next on Wednesday. Still working on the rest but I did manage to get the following line in:

“Walk the plank, ye scurvy dog!”

I'm really proud of that because I've wanting to use that line in a story for some time but couldn't find a good reason to.
This part of chapter 11 will stand next to the Shovel part from chapter 5.

I'm going to end this useless post now.