4/12/2011 | By: Alex

Best gifts ever!!!

I got the gifts from my sister today.:)) Best gifts ever!:)) Oxygen scented candles (these are the best things I've ever received), Coca Cola lip smackers:)), a peace scented candle, a lamp, vanilla scented candles, badges with funny stuff ("Blame my parents" and "If I throw a stick will you leave?"), a strawberry scented candle, postcards from Berlin - I collect them.
She knows me so well:D
The only thing I regret is that I only bought for her birthday a bright pink monkey with glasses and feet earrings:)) I really should have bought her something more... I'm not really sure what... the stuff I've seen in stores are kinda boring. I was lucky to find the pink monkey. :D
Maybe I can find a snow globe with a zombie inside? That would be funny.
I always did say the best gift is something weird and funny.:))
Love you, sis!

P.S. next year I'm buying you something weirder:D