5/13/2011 | By: Alex


I've always been convinced that the best way to get rid of an obsession is to indulge it. And to a point I've always been right. Until I got an assignment for a 30 page paper for next week and I discovered the following websites for the past couple of hours (ok, maybe I've been reading them for more than that:)):


I am on vacation with my family in Paris. Today in the Louvre museum, my dad and I stared at blank walls and ceilings near the art, for extended periods of time, just to see how many people would try to figure out what we were looking at. It was all his idea. This is why I love my dad. MLIA
Since taking the PSAT, I've been getting a lot of email from colleges that I usually delete. I've only saved one so far. The subject? "Our Campus is Zombie-Ready. Guaranteed". (The University of Chicago's)LIA. 
Yesterday, I named my recycling bin Azkaban, and I named another random file Voldemort. After sending Voldemort to Azkaban, I left my computer for awhile. When I came back, Voldemort was no longer in Azkaban and was back on my desktop. After repeatedly sending him to Azkaban and him coming back, I can honestly say: I'm scared. MLIA 
Today we took my grandma to look for condos near our house. One was perfect but she refused. She said it was because she could see her future out the window. We looked. It was a cemetery. MLIA. 

This remindes me of this joke I told my grandma once:
"Conversation between an old lady and her grandson:
Old lady - I'm going to the cemetery on my bike, ok?
Grandson: - But who's bringing the bike back?"
Regardless to say, my grandma stopped speaking to me for some time.

 I recently discovered a new way to stay on top of my dieting .. how you may ask? Duck tape my fridge so i cant get in it .. thank you 101 uses of duct tape options.. MLIA 
This of course made me ask google for 101 uses of duct tape:


Apparently they exceeded their number and are now at 252 uses for this wonderful thing.

Tape keys to bottom of car so you never lose them
Pet rain gear.
Chastity belt.
Make work gloves.
Wallpaper your house (may be slightly expensive, but well worth it for the resulting sophisticated look).
An entire roll can be used in place of a bedroom door to keep someone in for hours.

Also from MLIA I found this:


Dear boyfriend,
Thank you for being so awesome. Anyone else would look at me weird if I randomly burst into pirate-talk.
Dear Mufasa,
I could have sworn cats had nine lives. Sorry bro...
Dear universe,
Dear math,
If I want to know when the trains meet, I'll just listen for the explosion.
Dear smokers,
 Need I say that these websites are already in my bookmarks? :D
I will never finish that paper...