6/05/2011 | By: Alex

How I spent my Saturday (and my very early Sunday morning)

All the best laid out plans... usually go to hell. No matter what I want to do in a day and no matter what I plan to do, somehow I never seem to do exactly that.
Yesterday for example, I planned to finish my end of the year paper and send it to my coordinator, than I was planning on relaxing, enjoying the sun in the garden and mostly just lazying around. Did I laze? No, God wanted me to work.:)
I barely woke up when my mom came in to tell me to get dressed fast. I got up worried, put some clothes on and went to the kitchen. The urgency? She wanted me to go shopping with her.
I said what the hell? It's Saturday, the paper can wait, I can catch some sun later. We went shopping. I ended up carrying the bags for her and got out of this deal only some candy (it was good candy though).
We came home and some friends dropped by. We were to make a BBQ. Yes, because that was surely in my plans. But it was fun, so why not? We did that.
Later that night my mom asked me to help her move the couch so she could sweep behind it. Why? I don't know. It wasn't dirty or dusty. It's a mom thing I think.
I helped her. We moved the couch. THEN... a brilliant idea crosses my mind (as if my neurons were on fire, the morons): I tell my mom how I would have arranged the furniture in the living room. The result? Yes, you've guessed. We started moving the furniture, the books, everything. It was a mess until around eleven p.m.
The funny thing? I was moving a glass shelf from the living room to my room, leaning it on my dresser so we wouldn't accidentally break it. My mom tells me to be careful not to break it. I said yeah, sure, as if I'd do that, when I promptly break the glass, turning it into two shelves. Clean break.
My mom of course, started berating me about not paying attention then she turns and kicks over a dove trinket, shattering it. Sweet irony? Yes, I think so. We laughed while we cleaned the mess, though only until I stepped in the dustpan and it turned right over on the carpet, spilling everything.
My mom wasn't happy.
We finished (eventually) and I found a new use for duct tape: taping the back of broken furniture, it really does wonders.:)
It was around 11.30 p.m. when I remembered my paper. I finished it today around 3 a.m. Thank God for little things!