9/06/2011 | By: Alex

Texts no. 3

I've made a special category for these texts since my sis and I keep exchanging moronic (but funny:D) messages.

So, here's this week's (month's?) batch:


Sis: Yeah, I just managed to open my window, I'm standing here and hoping I don't get sunstroke. (This was following a convo about how freakishly hot it was outside, my sis managed to open a window in her room but was too lazy (I think) to remove herself from the open window afterwards).


Sis: OMG! It's 5 and it's so sunny here! How's at 1?
Me: Sunnier.
Sis: I think you're a vampire.
Me: Hmm.. Well, I don't have fangs and I don't burst into flames when the sun touches me. Although I do like nights better than the days though. (Also, I don't sparkle, so I'm not a fairy either)
Sis: Hmmm... A werewolf? Witch? :-??
Me: I don't turn furry every month so the wolf is out. I'm not ruling out the witch though.
Sis: I'm burning! :)) So I might be a vampire. But witch seems more awesome :/
Me: A vampire witch? (A witchy vampire?:D)


Sis: "Don't encourage beggars. They earn the most!" Does this include pigeons? Because I just encouraged some... (I'll give her that, she's brave, I wouldn't have had the courage to feed the birds, they could eat you alive if they see food)


Sis: I jumped into a cab once and followed another cab. A friend said the local "follow that cab" :> :))
Me: Was it "follow that horse-pulled wagon!"?
Sis: :)))) Can you please follow the cab in front of you?


Sis: Sis!!! I'm fucking scared of bees and there is one flying around here and the people believe I have Parkinson... :-s
Me: =)))) Did you use a floral perfume?
Sis: Nope. I don't even have perfume on. My pizza isn't flowerish either, no weed on me... Idk what attracts her/him here.
Me: Maybe it is attracted to your clothes or something. (Maybe its GPS was broken...)
Sis: Is not an object! Is he or she:)) God.
Me: Did you check it to know what it is, Einstein?
Sis: :))))) You check it, Zweistein. You wanna know the gender >:p


Sis: The cow who elbowed her body onto at least 1/4 of my chair complains that these chairs are uncomfortable... Well FUCK YOU. How do you think they work at 3/4 the capacity?

I honestly had the most fun reading this. My sister is almost as lunatic as I am, but since I'm older I have more experience.:)))


My sister started playing medieval SIMS or whatever.

Sis: I'm a horrible queen. This girl came to tell me she's possessed by demons and she's starting to like it. She asked me if she should go to church. I suggested a tavern. :-s (What an interesting option, I would have suggested the same).
Sis: And we also have a hot, but evil and unkempt bloodletter and an adventurous, good but drunk witch. :)) And I really hope your phone is on silent...
(This after waking me at 3.30, an hour before my alarm went off and I had to go to work... my sister really did learn from the master...)


Me: "Green leaves and fish bits/Look at how the moron reads" - this was written big and wide on a wall. I felt kinda dumb so I'm sending it to you so you can feel too.:)))
(The verses are approximations since I translated them from my language and I tried to make them rhyme.:D)

Also, can you spot the weird thing in this post? If you do you can have cookies...

... I heard they sell them from a white van now.:D