9/05/2011 | By: Alex

What I've been up to lately

The weekend from two weeks ago there was a Medieval Fair in my town and my sister came to join me. There were the every year stands with jewelry and medieval hats (I really like those), the hanging rope, the guillotine (with only the wooden frame this year though), the people dressed as ladies and knights, ghosts and clowns (why clowns I will never know). There were also the dumb things like the million and one stands with silver jewelry where the owners offered to buy anything made of silver and sell you their merchandise that was the same as the one from the next stand and the last. It got boring after some time. There was no roasting pig as there was one year, nor the same jousting tournaments or sword fights that we had in the past years. But there was an enclosure with goats and chickens. Why? I have no idea. It wasn't really that popular. This year was remarkably disappointing.
Good thing my sister came over. We had fun, not so much at the festival but while we waited for the fireworks. We went to this park where there were swings and started talking and swinging (I haven't used a swing in years so it was really fun)... until the guard came and told us to cut it off, that we weren't children and we weren't supposed to use the swings. It was night, there were no children in the park and yet we "weren't supposed to use them". Although, a few minutes after we left the swings to take some pictures, there was a group of guys who came by and played in the swings. The guard stayed mum about them, damn him!
In any case, we even saw some trolls! There were small and filled with energy and downright annoying, always coming in front of the camera exactly when one of us pressed the button to snap a picture (I'm talking about the things called "kids" here now:P).
That was two weeks ago (more or less, since it was actually two weekends ago and today is Monday so...). This last week I've started working in parallel in two places and it was tiring as hell. But I'm getting my paycheck for last month today and it's my free day so I'm off shopping this afternoon.:) I'm even getting used to waking up at 4.30 (4.45 actually because I keep hitting snooze) to get to work at 5.30.
I think I'm becoming a morning person... LE GASP!!!

P.S. Sorry about not updating more often. Usually I go to work, come home around 15.00, shower, eat and sleep. Than either go out or curl up with a book in my bed or play something relaxing on my computer in order to disconnect. I simply didn't have the energy needed to draw or write anything new. But I have the next weekend free and I'm going to use it to draw, color and write (at least 2-3 chapters for Mesmeria).