9/21/2011 | By: Alex

19 - 21

I've just finished reading (drooling over) a wonderful book titled "Nineteen - Twenty-One".
19-21 is a manga written by Yohan and drawn and colored by Jenna (Kim Hye Jin). Not only was it fully colored which added a special feeling to the reading material but it also had cats!
I love cats! They are majestic and carefree and also cats always calm me. I can have fun playing with a dog or engage in an all out word-war with parrots or even make funny faces at turtles but it's only cats that really calm and relax me. Coming home after a stressing day and just petting my cats and hearing them purr suddenly makes me see the world with different eyes, a better place than it actually is.
I'm straying from the subject however.
19-21 is a story about a girl and a boy who start to take care of stray cats, it is a story about how they manage to change the thoughts of small-minded people about cats and ultimately it's the story of how important it is to see the world around us as filled with beings that survive with little to nothing and still manage to live life to the fullest without being sad.
You can read the whole story here:
The art is beautiful (a plus really but I would've read it even only for the story) and I like the ending.
Not every battle needs to be with the entire world. If you manage to change the heart of even one person then you can say you've spent your time wisely.
Enjoy the story, buy the volume (I'm going to) and feed a stray!
Until next time. I'm going to find my cats now.


Anonymous said...

read it yesterday before going to sleep n omg, it was os cute.N I'm REALLY A DOGPERSON(altough i love n adore ALL living creatures n beings). now i'm gonna spread this around to all of me very few friends na dforce 'em to read. xDD'

Alex said...

YES!!! My evil plan is working! First share with one person then with two and then the world!!!:)))