1/17/2012 | By: Alex

Immortal waste

I just spent two hours of my life watching Immortals. Waste of my time. I've been hearing about this movie for months, both good and bad reviews so I decided to watch it.
It wasn't a very inspired choice. The effects were a so-so for a movie made in 2011, sometimes greatly exaggerated. I don't care if the theme is repetitive (see late trend for movies with a Greek theme), as long as either the effects are breathtaking or the story can keep me glued to the screen. The only thing that made watching this movie bearable was looking at Henry Cavill's abs (drool-worthy :D).
The story isn't particularly good: bad guy kills good guy's mom, good guy kills bad guy. Before that good guy bangs the girl. The end.
Seriously talking though... the yellowish tint of the movie almost killed my eyes. I understood the need for a lot of yellow in Prince of Persia (there was a lot of sand), and even Clash of the Titans (because really, there was a lot of SAND). But here? For God's sake, Greece doesn't have as much sand as this movie uses as a set. Also, the dam that is supposed to be made of marble... is made of iron (almost like a ship) on the inside? WTH? Stavros's character could have been better. It just seems like he's a... pawn really. I would have liked to see a savvy thief friend of Theseus.
I'm not a prude, on the contrary, but the sex scene seems a bit... off. Sisters give their lives to protect the oracle and the oracle just wants to get rid of her gift and sleeps with the first guy who saves her. Honestly... cliche.
The speech part of the movie is also lame. We're 800 people fighting against 10000. Let's listen to the lunatic that isn't even a soldier and go INSIDE the tunnel instead of waiting for them to come out so we can ambush them.*facepalm*
To make a long story short... If you liked Clash of the Titans, Prince of Persia, Troy and who knows what else that has gods, heroes and magic knives... don't watch this movie. Waste of time (unless you're a girl or guy that really likes to see half-naked men fighting:P).

I wonder what I should watch next. Ideas?

EDIT: Almost forgot: have you seen the hats?=)))))) Almost died of laughter.

See the similarities? I think they had the same designer...:))