10/06/2012 | By: Alex

The Tarot Café

The Tarot Café

The Tarot Cafe is a manwha written and drawn by the amazing, Korean Park Sang-sun.
 The story is compiled in seven volumes, also released in English in the US by Tokyopop.

It centers around a young woman whose story starts in the Medieval Era and continues throughout history until today. The woman, named Pamela has supernatural powers and runs a cafe during the day and caters to otherworldly clients after closing. Raised by a dragon and made immortal through him, she makes a deal with a devil (Belial). Now Pamela searches for the pearls from Belial's necklace to fulfill her part of the contract. In exchange she wants to be a mortal again. Throughout the volumes she encounters magical cats, fairies, vampires and other devils who help her along the way. By her side she has Belus, a young man who saved her life once and has been next to her ever since.

I was first attracted to this series because of the art. I still flip through the pages and just stare at the lines hoping one day I could be at least partially as good. The story hooked me as well. Underneath all the searches, the despair, the hope and the fun there is a genuine love story with a bittersweet open ending.

Good Points: Belus, the art, the story, brooding Alecto, Belus again.
Bad Points: Seven volumes seems a little too short and I could have read at least seven more. However bittersweet, I loved the ending. It seemed somehow fitting after all that happens.

And now here is some eye candy to make you go and read and enjoy it:

And this link is for those that need to read before buying (I am among that type of people so I get how that is).
10/02/2012 | By: Alex

Sketchdump summer edition


I need to calm down right now... I had to add only ONE... ONE!!! effing sketch and save the *^%*$( thing... and, stupid being that I am... I pressed X... And then "don't save"...>_> I feel like kicking myself. Over and over and over and over.. And over.


I compiled the file again... but... arghhhh....


Here you go:

It's a big ass file. Tell me if you can't open it or if there's anything wrong with it.

Since what I'm seeing of the fullview here on blogspot sucks, here's a link to this sketchdump on my dA account: http://morana2006.deviantart.com/art/Summer-Sketchdump-330348505 You can download it there and see it better.


I'm not dead! Just in case you were wondering. I was however, rather busy this past month, with work and friends. Come to think of it, august wasn't any better when it comes to updates. You could say I took almost two months off Zombie Desk.
It doesn't mean I haven't been productive. I still sketched almost daily although I threw away almost half of those since they turned up awful. The other half will be put together in a (kinda) large file later today. I'm still scanning. I didn't wrote as much as I wanted, mostly just a few pages at some stories that aren't being published on Zombie Desk. I'll try to catch up on Mesmeria this week since I have a few days off work anyway and update in a few days.
I've also read a LOT! Got some extra money last month and spent almost all of them on books. I still have almost 30 unread books on my bookshelf, waiting, BEGGING to be read. :) In case some of you didn't know, I have a little (not little but nevermind) obsession with books.
Moving on... Expect an update with sketches later today, some updates with stories this week and hopefully, if I stop procrastinating, an update with a colored drawing maybe on Saturday or Sunday.

Review: Lacybourne Manor

Lacybourne Manor
Lacybourne Manor by Kristen Ashley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven't read a book as good as this in months. I rarely give a five stars rating to a book because I'm picky about what I read and like.
But this... this was amazing. I believe in reincarnation and so this book was perfect for me. There was a little part almost before the end when I wanted to know the ending so badly that I almost skipped to the final (good thing I didn't though). There was also one moment in the book when I thought I'd throw the book out and kept thinking "WHY MALLORY?!!!" But I kept reading and reached the epilogue... And oh God... I laughed! I did not expect that particular ending but it was all the more refreshing and better.
I'm already putting in my to read pile the other four books from this series and, if I'll have time (if I won't I'll make some), I'm going to try other series by the lovely Kristen Ashley. She is of now, among my favorite authors.

View all my reviews