10/06/2012 | By: Alex

The Tarot Café

The Tarot Café

The Tarot Cafe is a manwha written and drawn by the amazing, Korean Park Sang-sun.
 The story is compiled in seven volumes, also released in English in the US by Tokyopop.

It centers around a young woman whose story starts in the Medieval Era and continues throughout history until today. The woman, named Pamela has supernatural powers and runs a cafe during the day and caters to otherworldly clients after closing. Raised by a dragon and made immortal through him, she makes a deal with a devil (Belial). Now Pamela searches for the pearls from Belial's necklace to fulfill her part of the contract. In exchange she wants to be a mortal again. Throughout the volumes she encounters magical cats, fairies, vampires and other devils who help her along the way. By her side she has Belus, a young man who saved her life once and has been next to her ever since.

I was first attracted to this series because of the art. I still flip through the pages and just stare at the lines hoping one day I could be at least partially as good. The story hooked me as well. Underneath all the searches, the despair, the hope and the fun there is a genuine love story with a bittersweet open ending.

Good Points: Belus, the art, the story, brooding Alecto, Belus again.
Bad Points: Seven volumes seems a little too short and I could have read at least seven more. However bittersweet, I loved the ending. It seemed somehow fitting after all that happens.

And now here is some eye candy to make you go and read and enjoy it:

And this link is for those that need to read before buying (I am among that type of people so I get how that is).