10/02/2012 | By: Alex

Review: Lacybourne Manor

Lacybourne Manor
Lacybourne Manor by Kristen Ashley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven't read a book as good as this in months. I rarely give a five stars rating to a book because I'm picky about what I read and like.
But this... this was amazing. I believe in reincarnation and so this book was perfect for me. There was a little part almost before the end when I wanted to know the ending so badly that I almost skipped to the final (good thing I didn't though). There was also one moment in the book when I thought I'd throw the book out and kept thinking "WHY MALLORY?!!!" But I kept reading and reached the epilogue... And oh God... I laughed! I did not expect that particular ending but it was all the more refreshing and better.
I'm already putting in my to read pile the other four books from this series and, if I'll have time (if I won't I'll make some), I'm going to try other series by the lovely Kristen Ashley. She is of now, among my favorite authors.

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