1/04/2012 | By: Alex

Sketch Dump 2010-2011

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The horse sketch was made after this: horse
The guy on the right side shooting fire from his hands at the Medusa is Evell, an OC of mine. On the lower right corner is the sketch I'm currently trying to make an actual picture. Still a WIP for now. The rest are random doodles I drew while in class, work or at home.


Anonymous said...

simply just wow.(*_*)' what an artdump!so many amazing pieces here!like the (sad,or just compassionate?!<3<3)girl with that squirrel-baby-thingy in her arms on the left, n that GORGEOUS woman underneith with the headpiece n that walking girl with the horns beside the (AMAZING!!)horse(i can't draw horses for all the money in the world!such a nice, calm n reliable horse at that!differs from the reference you used-you really made the horse your own.can seriously picture one of your maids or beautiful fairies to ride or walk alongside this one!) also, my eyes got curious about that jester in the middle right. who is he?! i'm really loving the design. very cool.

.. STUNNING work!thank you so much for sharing!always a pleasure seeing new art from you. <3

Alex said...

Thank you!!!
The jester isn't really anyone, no character there, just a random jester I wanted to draw after watching too much D.Gray-Man.:D
The funny thing is that, without a reference, I can't draw horses either. Frogs yes, even birds from time to time and the occasional dragon, but no other animals.

Anonymous said...

OOOOH!i totally feel the dgrey-man vibe now that you mentioned it!!i should probably get back at watching the show,stopped in the middle some years ago when the sad things started to happen- i was like.UUUH NUH.not this again!(shows like that has a tendency to kill all my fav characters.) x'D

again: great post!every time i look i see something new. <3

Alex said...

Yeah, I agree. I hate when my fav characters start to die. Luckily so far there haven't been a lot of casualties and the art there is amazing (I mean the manga, the anime not so much).