10/02/2012 | By: Alex

Sketchdump summer edition


I need to calm down right now... I had to add only ONE... ONE!!! effing sketch and save the *^%*$( thing... and, stupid being that I am... I pressed X... And then "don't save"...>_> I feel like kicking myself. Over and over and over and over.. And over.


I compiled the file again... but... arghhhh....


Here you go:

It's a big ass file. Tell me if you can't open it or if there's anything wrong with it.

Since what I'm seeing of the fullview here on blogspot sucks, here's a link to this sketchdump on my dA account: http://morana2006.deviantart.com/art/Summer-Sketchdump-330348505 You can download it there and see it better.


Anonymous said...

WOOAH! i've been living under a rock. damn you tumblr! >:O SO MANY WONDERFUL UPDATES! i have something to read again! WAAii~! x//3'

and this sketchdump of yours (blogger sucks, i did look at the da one) - AMAZING!! i just love seeing your artwork and how frigging fast your skills are GROWING. there are some serious pearls in that dump, i hope to see some finished pieces at one point : )

GREAT work maya! <3 <3 <3 <3

Alex said...

Thank you! And you will see some finished pieces as soon as I get some time off from work. Men, it's been some hectic few weeks lately with works, friends, family, I didn't have the time to do anything noteworthy with drawing or writing (well... a bit with writing, I've started the Nanowrimo challenge again this year, so I'll be M.I.A. this month until the third week when I'm on vacation, yey for that!).
I'm glad you like my pieces!:)

Anonymous said...

i always like your pieces!! :D' and i'm very much looking forward to those finished peices. i know how stressful life can get so no hurry - i'm patient. >:3 and until then, i have LOTS of twh to catch up on! <3