11/18/2011 | By: Alex


This month, as I've written before, I started the NaNoWriMo Challenge. I've already written a lot (more than half) of it and I'm pretty sure I'll reach my mark (50000 words) by the end of the month.
That's not the point of this post though.
Because I've been constantly checking how many words I wrote, I got curious enough to wonder myself... just how many words have I ever written? Now, I obviously can't sum everything I've ever written up. However, I can and did actually, sum up everything that I've written (concerning stories and whatnot) that I've found in my computer. This doesn't include school assignments (although adding those would probably double everything up:D).
I have in my folder titled "My stories" a few categories:
I have Mesmeria, with its multi sub-folders (for every area in Mesmeria): 238225 words !!!
Then there is the "Finished" folder with dozens of short stories (most of them suck though): 26924 words
"Other Stories" folder (where the stories that don't happen in Mesmeria and that have something to do with fantasy end up): 26813 words
Chrono - 2215 words (some synopsis on one of my stories)
I dreamed the end of the world - 381 words (a dream I've had with zombies that I wanted to dissect with a friend but never got around to do it... sadly...)
Story beginning - 46 words (a fleeting idea that needed to be put on paper... er... screen?)
General Book of Potions... - 2955 words (this was my Harry Potter phase... don't ask...)
Pirates - 1883 words (my "make a game" phase... I was supposed to write the plot for a game that a bunch of us cooked up but the project fell through...)
Last, but not least, there is a story I was writing online with this girl from the other side of the country. It was fun until I went to college... Then I gave a lot of things up, writing was part of them for a while at least. We never really finished this story: "Jeux a la Magie" - 28688 words (written with Ana).

I stopped and thought about this after I've actually seen how much I've written... Without counting the collaboration, I'm almost at my 300000 word mark.

So, here's to 300000!!!
Over and out!
11/02/2011 | By: Alex


Nation Novel Writing Month is, as the name implies, a widespread (international actually but the name wouldn't have sounded so nice with Int:P) challenge addressed to all the writers (both published and unpublished) which has been taking place for many years already.
Last year was my first year participating, with "The Witching Hour" actually. Didn't win then but I plan to do so now.:)
Basically, NaNo is an exercise for all writers. During the month of November, you're supposed to write day and night and achieve at least 1667 words per day, so that at the end of the month you'll have a draft of 50000 words. I only managed around 35000 words last year since it was my last year in college and I had a lot of projects to do.
NaNo started yesterday but unfortunately I wasn't able to start then. When I came home from work there was no power. When the power finally came back (my candles were almost dead, thank God!), I went online. My internet connection died 5 minutes after I opened my computer (yeah, rotten luck).
So, I'm starting NaNo today. A day late, so for me there will be 1725 words to type per day. I'm going to take a break from Adva and Cassie and Taegan and the rest of the cast and concentrate on another region in Mesmeria, the country of Ylenea. The story I'm writing this month is more or less a twist on "1001 Nights", only the "Tales of Ylenea" will be told by a drunken 1000 year old parrot bewitched by a lonely dragon.
If I forget to update Zombie Desk with any choice tidbits, I humbly apologize and I will give you a metaphorical candy to shut you up. :D (chocolate or bacon flavored, pick one)
Until next time, cheers!
10/24/2011 | By: Alex


Vampire Girl - remake of a very old drawing
Another remake - Venetian Mask - This is only for fun, trying new masks and sleeves.

Doodles that I actually colored... nothing fancy though

All Souls Night

All Souls Night
Can't remember exactly where I got the border brushes from, from dA, maybe Shadowbrushes?
No shades or highlights
No background - ended up cutting the right side
Right out of the scanner

9/27/2011 | By: Alex

Santa's little helper

Nah... just kidding, it's Cassie again... This started out as a simple sketch for the next chapter (no.4) from my other blog (here). I'll post the chapter sometime this week, still have a few pages I need to look over until then.
Anyway... this sketch had a mind of its own because apparently it wanted to be filled in, colored, the shit. :) I even made a background... part of one anyway, got bored halfway through and decided the drawing needed more snow (har har)!
Cassie - half transformed (those are scales - the green thingies)
The pattern on the dress came from a brush... from Google (long live Google because I can't remember the site I got the brush from:D).

9/21/2011 | By: Alex

19 - 21

I've just finished reading (drooling over) a wonderful book titled "Nineteen - Twenty-One".
19-21 is a manga written by Yohan and drawn and colored by Jenna (Kim Hye Jin). Not only was it fully colored which added a special feeling to the reading material but it also had cats!
I love cats! They are majestic and carefree and also cats always calm me. I can have fun playing with a dog or engage in an all out word-war with parrots or even make funny faces at turtles but it's only cats that really calm and relax me. Coming home after a stressing day and just petting my cats and hearing them purr suddenly makes me see the world with different eyes, a better place than it actually is.
I'm straying from the subject however.
19-21 is a story about a girl and a boy who start to take care of stray cats, it is a story about how they manage to change the thoughts of small-minded people about cats and ultimately it's the story of how important it is to see the world around us as filled with beings that survive with little to nothing and still manage to live life to the fullest without being sad.
You can read the whole story here:
The art is beautiful (a plus really but I would've read it even only for the story) and I like the ending.
Not every battle needs to be with the entire world. If you manage to change the heart of even one person then you can say you've spent your time wisely.
Enjoy the story, buy the volume (I'm going to) and feed a stray!
Until next time. I'm going to find my cats now.

9/13/2011 | By: Alex

My sense of color

...flew out the window. Not that I care much. I might redo this, since it's so freaking bright and shiny, but right now I needed to do something... umm... not dark, I think. My mood isn't exactly like this picture but I very much want it to be a fraction of it.
So, whatever, this is my way of venting my frustration.
Or cover your eyes... it is bright.
Butterfly Girl
This was done completely in SAI.

P.S. I've also been writing on Mesmeria but haven't finished the chapter yet. My free days weren't exactly as free as I envisioned them so I was stuck doing everything else besides the things I like doing (drawing, writing). Can't say I hope it'll get better. It won't. Yet.
9/06/2011 | By: Alex

Texts no. 3

I've made a special category for these texts since my sis and I keep exchanging moronic (but funny:D) messages.

So, here's this week's (month's?) batch:


Sis: Yeah, I just managed to open my window, I'm standing here and hoping I don't get sunstroke. (This was following a convo about how freakishly hot it was outside, my sis managed to open a window in her room but was too lazy (I think) to remove herself from the open window afterwards).


Sis: OMG! It's 5 and it's so sunny here! How's at 1?
Me: Sunnier.
Sis: I think you're a vampire.
Me: Hmm.. Well, I don't have fangs and I don't burst into flames when the sun touches me. Although I do like nights better than the days though. (Also, I don't sparkle, so I'm not a fairy either)
Sis: Hmmm... A werewolf? Witch? :-??
Me: I don't turn furry every month so the wolf is out. I'm not ruling out the witch though.
Sis: I'm burning! :)) So I might be a vampire. But witch seems more awesome :/
Me: A vampire witch? (A witchy vampire?:D)


Sis: "Don't encourage beggars. They earn the most!" Does this include pigeons? Because I just encouraged some... (I'll give her that, she's brave, I wouldn't have had the courage to feed the birds, they could eat you alive if they see food)


Sis: I jumped into a cab once and followed another cab. A friend said the local "follow that cab" :> :))
Me: Was it "follow that horse-pulled wagon!"?
Sis: :)))) Can you please follow the cab in front of you?


Sis: Sis!!! I'm fucking scared of bees and there is one flying around here and the people believe I have Parkinson... :-s
Me: =)))) Did you use a floral perfume?
Sis: Nope. I don't even have perfume on. My pizza isn't flowerish either, no weed on me... Idk what attracts her/him here.
Me: Maybe it is attracted to your clothes or something. (Maybe its GPS was broken...)
Sis: Is not an object! Is he or she:)) God.
Me: Did you check it to know what it is, Einstein?
Sis: :))))) You check it, Zweistein. You wanna know the gender >:p


Sis: The cow who elbowed her body onto at least 1/4 of my chair complains that these chairs are uncomfortable... Well FUCK YOU. How do you think they work at 3/4 the capacity?

I honestly had the most fun reading this. My sister is almost as lunatic as I am, but since I'm older I have more experience.:)))


My sister started playing medieval SIMS or whatever.

Sis: I'm a horrible queen. This girl came to tell me she's possessed by demons and she's starting to like it. She asked me if she should go to church. I suggested a tavern. :-s (What an interesting option, I would have suggested the same).
Sis: And we also have a hot, but evil and unkempt bloodletter and an adventurous, good but drunk witch. :)) And I really hope your phone is on silent...
(This after waking me at 3.30, an hour before my alarm went off and I had to go to work... my sister really did learn from the master...)


Me: "Green leaves and fish bits/Look at how the moron reads" - this was written big and wide on a wall. I felt kinda dumb so I'm sending it to you so you can feel too.:)))
(The verses are approximations since I translated them from my language and I tried to make them rhyme.:D)

Also, can you spot the weird thing in this post? If you do you can have cookies...

... I heard they sell them from a white van now.:D
9/05/2011 | By: Alex

What I've been up to lately

The weekend from two weeks ago there was a Medieval Fair in my town and my sister came to join me. There were the every year stands with jewelry and medieval hats (I really like those), the hanging rope, the guillotine (with only the wooden frame this year though), the people dressed as ladies and knights, ghosts and clowns (why clowns I will never know). There were also the dumb things like the million and one stands with silver jewelry where the owners offered to buy anything made of silver and sell you their merchandise that was the same as the one from the next stand and the last. It got boring after some time. There was no roasting pig as there was one year, nor the same jousting tournaments or sword fights that we had in the past years. But there was an enclosure with goats and chickens. Why? I have no idea. It wasn't really that popular. This year was remarkably disappointing.
Good thing my sister came over. We had fun, not so much at the festival but while we waited for the fireworks. We went to this park where there were swings and started talking and swinging (I haven't used a swing in years so it was really fun)... until the guard came and told us to cut it off, that we weren't children and we weren't supposed to use the swings. It was night, there were no children in the park and yet we "weren't supposed to use them". Although, a few minutes after we left the swings to take some pictures, there was a group of guys who came by and played in the swings. The guard stayed mum about them, damn him!
In any case, we even saw some trolls! There were small and filled with energy and downright annoying, always coming in front of the camera exactly when one of us pressed the button to snap a picture (I'm talking about the things called "kids" here now:P).
That was two weeks ago (more or less, since it was actually two weekends ago and today is Monday so...). This last week I've started working in parallel in two places and it was tiring as hell. But I'm getting my paycheck for last month today and it's my free day so I'm off shopping this afternoon.:) I'm even getting used to waking up at 4.30 (4.45 actually because I keep hitting snooze) to get to work at 5.30.
I think I'm becoming a morning person... LE GASP!!!

P.S. Sorry about not updating more often. Usually I go to work, come home around 15.00, shower, eat and sleep. Than either go out or curl up with a book in my bed or play something relaxing on my computer in order to disconnect. I simply didn't have the energy needed to draw or write anything new. But I have the next weekend free and I'm going to use it to draw, color and write (at least 2-3 chapters for Mesmeria).
8/14/2011 | By: Alex

Cassie - Sketch - Street Clothes

I'm not dead... But I've started working and the program is hectic. I didn't really had a lot of time to draw. I only made a few sketches and wrote some stuff at my stories. Nothing much though. I'll attempt to color this at a later date, perhaps after I actually finish Butterfly Girl.

Well... Cheers!:D

8/05/2011 | By: Alex

New Blog

I've decided to post my stories online. Otherwise I'm afraid I'll never get the incentive to finish them. I'll start with the one I've work the most and longest at. It's had various names over the years, some being: "The Veil", "The Hidden World", "The Heiress", "The 9th Circle"... For now, I'm just naming it "The Witching Hour"... Not because there is a reason behind it but just because I like the sound of it.
In any case, I made another blog where I'm only going to post the chapters of the stories and maybe some sketches for each chapter.
I'll try to write at least a chapter every week. If not more.
I'm still keeping this blog. I have to rant somewhere...:D


I tried just mesmeria.blogspot.com... but it was taken so, what the hell, I might as well make the new thing a sub of Zombie Desk.:)
7/24/2011 | By: Alex

Butterflies WIP

Butterfly Girl WIP
Still a work in progress this one. I'm not happy about the way the legs turned out, but I'm too lazy to adjust them... I'm really curious about how this one will turn out. I don't think I've ever used so many colours in one picture. It seems appropriate though, since butterflies make me think of spring and spring makes me think of rainbows... and candy... and bright colours.

Also, this is kind of an experiment in SAI (new program, still learning the shortcuts for it). I like it for the base colouring but I think I'll stick to Photoshop for the rest (more brushes, patterns, textures, filters...).

I don't know when I'm going to finish it though... I got a job and the next few weeks will be hard until I adjust with the schedule from 5 freaking 30 in the morning. I'll have to wake up at 4 a.m.... And I'm the least morning person. I wish people would work nights and sleep days away. I'd fit right in.
7/05/2011 | By: Alex


An old file I had lying in my computer and decided to mock-color it this afternoon. Nothing fancy, just some bees and a beehive.
7/04/2011 | By: Alex

Girl and Snake Finished

Girl and Snake
Finally finished!:D I had fun with the background (just a bunch of colours thrown together:D).
And look!!! I actually added patterns... Although... I'm thinking of just drawing them for the next one, it would look better... meh!
And, hmm... the girl and the snake are... floating? Or maybe she's leaning on the snake and the snake if oh, so powerful and can lift her up on his scales or something...>_>
7/01/2011 | By: Alex


   I live in a small house and share the backyard with two other houses, in one of them living an old lady. Now, this lady owns all three houses and I pay rent to her. Lately she's had in mind only modernizing her houses (she's probably going to either try to make me pay her more rent or kick me out for refusing). Anyway, today she called some guy to put new windows to two of the rooms in my house. Problem was, said guy came with a 4 year old daughter with way to much energy, verbal diarrhea and dumb questions. Not to mention sticky hands.
   I'm not saying I hate kids... yet... Hell, I'll probably love them when I grow older, but now they just annoy the hell out of me. Always touching things they shouldn't, putting gum on my pillows, trying to kill my cat, Engine, the list could go on forever...
   In any case, since my neighbour decided she wanted new windows and wanted to "supervise" the guy (in other words get in his way), I was stuck with watching over the kid. From my part, the girl could run in circles in the backyard until tomorrow, but the little demon thought it was funny to consider me her friend!
   She stayed glued to me for the entire time, occasionally trying to kick me when I wasn't paying attention and more often being a pest! She tried to clean the mouse from the computer with spit, which is not only gross but also... no, it's just plain gross. Then she started to try to "kill" the stuff toys I got from my sister and friends on my birthday (is this toycide?). Finally, she tried to put nails into the opening of my ventilator, saying she would start the big, white thing even if she put all her dad's nails inside... I stopped her... mostly...
   I now have to fix the bloody ventilator on top of cleaning the mess that guy and his devil of a kid did in my house.
   My neighbour's insight? She called a girl to take pictures saying something about evaluating the bloody house. Please! I know the damn girl! She works for a real estate agency.
   Things just keep getting better and better...X_X
   I did learn a valuable lesson from all this though: NEVER HAVE A KID!!! JUST GET ONE WHO's OLDER, 16-17 yo, so that I never have to deal with this kind of crap again! Emo, rock and drama I can manage, but a 4 year old with dumb questions and an evil mind? No, thank you!
6/26/2011 | By: Alex

Girl and Snake WIP 3

Still need to color the snake and make a background. Maybe add some more shadows/lights to the girl's hair and clothes and skin...
But... meh... I'm lazy, next time. ;)

6/20/2011 | By: Alex

Texts no. 2

These are the most recent "convos" I had with my sister:

1. This was following a "liked" thing I had on facebook:
Dear platypus,
So let me get this right, you're part duck, part beaver, lay eggs, produce venom and you sweat milk and have your young lick it off you instead of just having nipples? 
Sincerely, proof God does shrooms.
Me: See? I'm not the only one who likes mushrooms.:D
Sis: Have you actually tried shrooms?:)
Sis: Don't lie, God is watching.
Me: Yeah, but not the Godly kind.
Sis: I do not get it.:-?
Me: Well, God made the platypus while under the effect of shrooooms, I can only make spaghetti or pizza under their effect, so I'm guessing he used the "special" kind? A God super power or something.:))
Sis: So that's your non intelligible way to say you only tried the vegetable.:))
Me: I will not say anything without a lawyer!
Sis: I'm here, so do confess now!
Me: I'd better confess my crimes!!!
Sis: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Me: Very much, yes!
Sis: But I heard you can't really get good shrooms in Ro, soo I'll just... No. I won't give you the benefit of the doubt:)) You haven't tried'em. I'm curious though. In californication they talked about "things" with shrooms. I do that without'em though.:))
Me: Me too. Does that mean we were born on crack? I wonder what would happen if we actually ate some funny muffins or smoked pot... The world would probably end...
Sis: :)))

That said, we will only be eating the shrooms next year in December. Yes, the mayans were right! We are actually to blame!:D

2. This was a messenger conversation:

Sis: I'll draw you once.
Me: Yey!
Sis: Maybe I'll even try to make you a face.
Sis: Or just sunglasses...
Sis: Very dark sunglasses.:D
Me: =))
Sis: How shall I draw you?
Me: Riding a narwhal?

3. Also, a messenger convo:

Sis: I feel like a ninja! I saw a fly on the window. I made "ahhhh" and then "shoo!" and it flew away without coming in my room!
Me: =))))))))but that would make you a pirate, cuz if you were a ninja she would have just dropped dead!
Me: because of the awesomeness
Sis: =))))) i still feel like a ninja
Me: a question: are you wearing black?
Sis: yes
Sis: why?
Me: =))just checking. All ninjas wear that colour.
Sis: I have black socks and pants. The shirt is white.
Me: that makes you a pirate=)))))
Sis: :(
Me: what?:d pirates are epic:p the can talk in pirate, ninjas can talk in what?:D
Sis: =))) Someone has at their status: "I'll give my soul away..."
Me: =)))))omh, she is selling it to the devil?=))
Me: *omg
Sis: oh my ..heels?
Me: =))))heels, that IS epic
Sis: i think ninjas would take pirates in a battle, pirates being slower and drunk and everything
Me: ok, arguments pls
Sis: and.. stinky, probably. i like the idea of pirates, but only if they got veg food on board, and they don't stink
Me: okay, but pirates could also just shoot the ninjas with their cannons
Sis: i don't think so, ninjas are masters of stealth
Me:  they can kill the ninjas with their smell
Sis: yeah, that, they could.
Me: and pirates have johnny depp (Honestly, how can a ninja top that?:D)
Me: he has rum=)))))))pirates are more epic
Sis:  but ninjas would win
Me: but pirates are sneaky, they could get the ninjas drunk and make them pirates too:D so pirates win
Me: on the other hand, ninjas can turn invisible... they probably stole the cloak from harry potter

New status:
Between ninjas and pirates I would choose zombie pirajas:D
4. This was online:

Sis: You should post more "texts" on your blog. I think we send each other more than 300 text messages every month.
Me: Yeah, but I have to delete them 'cuz my phone is an antique.
Sis: M: Sis, did you see titanic 2??
Me: No, not even gonna attempt seeing it!
Me: Oh, wait... I'm a moron...
Sis: =)) Put this as an intro.:D
Me: Tell me the rest, I remember it as a fun convo!:) I'll save the convos on mess, so, just so you know, this is being recorded:))

Sis: Have you seen Titanic 2?
Me: No, did they come back as zombies and would only die with an iceberg in their brains?
Sis: Nah, it's a thing that happens in 2012. It has 1.9 on IMDB.:)) Must be good.
Me: I hope they hit an iceberg and sink...
Sis: They're actually sunk by a tsunami...

5. While on the bus:

Sis: Ask me what I'm doing.
Me: What are you doing?
Sis: Taking a bath! In the middle of the street, fully dressed. God is pissing on us!!! There aren't even rain drops, it's like a full-blown shower.
Me: My belly hurts!:))) Angels do that sometimes too. I think they take turns.
Sis: I climbed up a bench and there is a guy who keeps getting closer to me...
Me: Maybe he has a hairdryer?
Sis: I dunno. Anyway: New goal for next week: walk into a bar and order two drinks: a coke and a pepsi, than proceed to say: can't we all just get along?

Sis:  Motto: I won't live each day like it's my last.
Me: i have a different motto, i don't really remember it right now, but i know it isn't that one
Sis: Wake me up when the end of the world happens!
Sis: So I can use as my last words: "respawning in 3...2....1..."
Me: while i scream: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, i'm coming back to start the second apocalypse, zombie style!!!

Later that night...

Me: There are some funny noises coming from my neighbour...
Me: I think he's burying his wife...
Sis: ... =)))))

Ok, kids! This is it for now. Go in the corner and think about what you just read!:D
6/19/2011 | By: Alex

Cassie - finished

Finally! Finished! My computer kept crashing with every layer I made. I almost gave up this piece, but eventually the damned computer decided to give me a reprieve. A very short one, but I managed to finish this.
I have some pics from when I was colouring:

6/05/2011 | By: Alex

How I spent my Saturday (and my very early Sunday morning)

All the best laid out plans... usually go to hell. No matter what I want to do in a day and no matter what I plan to do, somehow I never seem to do exactly that.
Yesterday for example, I planned to finish my end of the year paper and send it to my coordinator, than I was planning on relaxing, enjoying the sun in the garden and mostly just lazying around. Did I laze? No, God wanted me to work.:)
I barely woke up when my mom came in to tell me to get dressed fast. I got up worried, put some clothes on and went to the kitchen. The urgency? She wanted me to go shopping with her.
I said what the hell? It's Saturday, the paper can wait, I can catch some sun later. We went shopping. I ended up carrying the bags for her and got out of this deal only some candy (it was good candy though).
We came home and some friends dropped by. We were to make a BBQ. Yes, because that was surely in my plans. But it was fun, so why not? We did that.
Later that night my mom asked me to help her move the couch so she could sweep behind it. Why? I don't know. It wasn't dirty or dusty. It's a mom thing I think.
I helped her. We moved the couch. THEN... a brilliant idea crosses my mind (as if my neurons were on fire, the morons): I tell my mom how I would have arranged the furniture in the living room. The result? Yes, you've guessed. We started moving the furniture, the books, everything. It was a mess until around eleven p.m.
The funny thing? I was moving a glass shelf from the living room to my room, leaning it on my dresser so we wouldn't accidentally break it. My mom tells me to be careful not to break it. I said yeah, sure, as if I'd do that, when I promptly break the glass, turning it into two shelves. Clean break.
My mom of course, started berating me about not paying attention then she turns and kicks over a dove trinket, shattering it. Sweet irony? Yes, I think so. We laughed while we cleaned the mess, though only until I stepped in the dustpan and it turned right over on the carpet, spilling everything.
My mom wasn't happy.
We finished (eventually) and I found a new use for duct tape: taping the back of broken furniture, it really does wonders.:)
It was around 11.30 p.m. when I remembered my paper. I finished it today around 3 a.m. Thank God for little things!
5/20/2011 | By: Alex


If someone ever heard my sister and I talking or attempt to read the messages we keep sending each other we would probably end up in the loony bin.
It's not just that we sound as we were on crack... It's... I don't even know how to explain what goes through our heads... Clearly, it isn't coherent thoughts.:D

Sis: I have a test for you.
Me: Ok. Hit me.
Sis: You are in a desert. And you have a cube. What sort of cube is it?
Me: Large, as big as me, purple, and with frayed edges.
Sis: Ok. You also have a ladder. How is the ladder?
Me: Twice as big as me, bends at the middle and it's made out of bamboo, very light.
Sis: Ok. You also have a horse. How is the horse?
Me: Purple!:)) It is a mare. And it is named Milka. It has white spots.
Sis: Um... Ok. Where's the horse?
Me: Well, it's just half of the horse is purple, the other half is buried in sand and I can see some bones. Milka is DEAD!
Sis: Ok... You have a vase too. How is it? Does it have flowers in it?
Me: No. It had water once but it evaporated since I'm in a desert and now it's empty.
Sis: Ok. A storm is coming. What happens with the objects after the storm passes? (And with the mare and yourself?)
Me: The horse is completely buried now. I hold on to the vase but it fills with sand and I'm carried away by the wind. I'm flying!
Sis: ...
Me: So, what's the result? Am I as insane as I sound or even more so?
Sis: Weeeell... The cube is you. The ladder is your carrier. The horse is your life partner. The vase... well, the flowers were supposed to represent your friends. You figure it out.
Me: Oh shit... I don't like your test. Find one for crazy people. I'll pass that one. On a happier note: my partner is gonna be a zombie and together we shall rule the world!:)
Sis: It's okay, sis. I said I'd hide in the cube until the storm passes and I lost the vase and the horse and the ladder.:))
Me: :)) Yeah, don't worry. There are plenty of zombies out there.
Sis: Oh, and I put the vase in my head at first.:))
Me: So your friends are all in your head? Am I imaginary too? Are you imagining me answering you about this right now? My life is a lie! As is the cake!
Sis: Yeah, right, your partner is a she...:/
Me: Nah, it just seems that way because his dick fell off when he became a zombie.. He now uses a replacement... Please stop me from continuing! My mind is in a ditch!
Sis: I've put it on* the head (the vase).
Me: Oh damn... Well, rub the vase, a genie might come out:))
Sis: ...
Me: I just killed a spider and felt good about it until I realized his relatives are probably going to come to the funeral... Where should I hide the body?!!!
Sis: Sis, are you alright?
Me: No, I'm serious. Everytime I kill a spider I wake up the next morning with spider bites on my body. It only logical to thing more are coming to the funeral, right?
Sis: Whatever you're high on, I want some of it.
Me: Nope, sorry, I'm all out of cake... I ate a chupa chups today and it made my tongue purple. Do you think it had anything to do with that? Because if it did, I'm buying more!:)
Sis:You're awesome!:))
Me: Eat a candy. U'll have weird dreams:)) Or a cake... If it's from Amsterdam. I'm going to bed. 'Night, sis! Weird dreams!
Sis: :))Yeah, did you get any souvenirs from Holland lately? 'Night.
Me: Um, no... I wish... The next country I will visit is going to be Holland though:P And then I wanna go to Scotland to peek under the skirts of hot boys with bagpipes. I'm curious if they go commando. I bet it's breezy. I'm going to sleep now. Bye.

I love my sister... I'm sending her some candy with the next package so she'll have a purple tongue as well.:))
5/16/2011 | By: Alex


This isn't really an update. I just wanted to say that right now I'm the happiest person in the world! Ahem... The happiest ZOMBIE in the world!:D
5/13/2011 | By: Alex


I've always been convinced that the best way to get rid of an obsession is to indulge it. And to a point I've always been right. Until I got an assignment for a 30 page paper for next week and I discovered the following websites for the past couple of hours (ok, maybe I've been reading them for more than that:)):


I am on vacation with my family in Paris. Today in the Louvre museum, my dad and I stared at blank walls and ceilings near the art, for extended periods of time, just to see how many people would try to figure out what we were looking at. It was all his idea. This is why I love my dad. MLIA
Since taking the PSAT, I've been getting a lot of email from colleges that I usually delete. I've only saved one so far. The subject? "Our Campus is Zombie-Ready. Guaranteed". (The University of Chicago's)LIA. 
Yesterday, I named my recycling bin Azkaban, and I named another random file Voldemort. After sending Voldemort to Azkaban, I left my computer for awhile. When I came back, Voldemort was no longer in Azkaban and was back on my desktop. After repeatedly sending him to Azkaban and him coming back, I can honestly say: I'm scared. MLIA 
Today we took my grandma to look for condos near our house. One was perfect but she refused. She said it was because she could see her future out the window. We looked. It was a cemetery. MLIA. 

This remindes me of this joke I told my grandma once:
"Conversation between an old lady and her grandson:
Old lady - I'm going to the cemetery on my bike, ok?
Grandson: - But who's bringing the bike back?"
Regardless to say, my grandma stopped speaking to me for some time.

 I recently discovered a new way to stay on top of my dieting .. how you may ask? Duck tape my fridge so i cant get in it .. thank you 101 uses of duct tape options.. MLIA 
This of course made me ask google for 101 uses of duct tape:


Apparently they exceeded their number and are now at 252 uses for this wonderful thing.

Tape keys to bottom of car so you never lose them
Pet rain gear.
Chastity belt.
Make work gloves.
Wallpaper your house (may be slightly expensive, but well worth it for the resulting sophisticated look).
An entire roll can be used in place of a bedroom door to keep someone in for hours.

Also from MLIA I found this:


Dear boyfriend,
Thank you for being so awesome. Anyone else would look at me weird if I randomly burst into pirate-talk.
Dear Mufasa,
I could have sworn cats had nine lives. Sorry bro...
Dear universe,
Dear math,
If I want to know when the trains meet, I'll just listen for the explosion.
Dear smokers,
 Need I say that these websites are already in my bookmarks? :D
I will never finish that paper...
5/08/2011 | By: Alex


I haven't drawn my characters in such a long time...
So here's Cassie, main character to one of my favourite stories:
I plan on colouring it as soon as I have time (meaning, in probably about two weeks when I'm done with school homework).
4/25/2011 | By: Alex

Siren - Finished

I've finally finished it. Well... I might make some reflections on the bubbles of th Siren and the Octopus... but later.
Here are some more WIP's of this piece:

4/24/2011 | By: Alex

Reading List no.1 (Updated)

Rachel Vincent - Werecats 1: Stray
Rachel Vincent - Werecats 2: Rogue
Rachel Vincent - Werecats 3: Pride
Rachel Vincent - Werecats 4: Prey
Rachel Vincent - Werecats 5: Shift
Rachel Vincent - Werecats 6: Alpha
Rachel Vincent - Soul Screamers 1: My Soul to Lose
Rachel Vincent - Soul Screamers 2: My Soul to Take
Rachel Vincent - Soul Screamers 3: My Soul to Save
Rachel Vincent - Soul Screamers 4: My Soul to Steal
Julie Kagawa - Iron Fae 1: The Iron King
Julie Kagawa - Iron Fae 2: The Iron Daughter
Julie Kagawa - Iron Fae 3: The Iron Queen
Cassandra Clare - Mortal Instruments 1: City of Bones
Cassandra Clare - Mortal Instruments 2: City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare - Mortal Instruments 3: City of Glass
Cassandra Clare - Mortal Instruments 4: City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare - The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel
Cassandra Clare - The Infernal Devices 2: Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare - The Infernal Devices 3: Clockwork Princess
Lynsay Sands - The Madison Sisters 1
Lynsay Sands - The Madison Sisters 2
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 1: A Quick Bite
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 2: Love Bites
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 3: Single White Vampire
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 4: Tall, Dark and Hungry
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 5: A Bite to Remember
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 6: Bite me if You Can
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 7: The Accidental Vampire
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 8: Vampires are Forever
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 9: Vampire, Interrupted
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 10: The Rogue Hunter
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 11: The Immortal Hunter
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 12: The Renegade Hunter
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 13:  Born to Bite
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 14: Hungry for You
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 15: The Reluctant Vampire
Lynsay Sands - The Argeneau Vampires 16: Under the Vampire Moon
Kim Harrison - Madison Avery: Prom Nights from Hell - Madison Avery and the Dim Reaper
Kim Harrison - Madison Avery: Once Dead, Twice Shy
Kim Harrison - Madison Avery: Early to Death, Early to Rise
Kim Harrison - Madison Avery: Something Deadly This Way Comes
Mindy Klasky - The Jane Madison Series: Girl's Guide to Witchcraft
Mindy Klasky - The Jane Madison Series: Sorcery and the Single Girl
Mindy Klasky - The Jane Madison Series:  Magic and the Modern Girl
Mindy Klasky - The Glasswright's Series: The Glasswright's Apprentice
Mindy Klasky - The Glasswright's Series: The Glasswright's Progress
Mindy Klasky - The Glasswright's Series: The Glasswright's Journeyman
Mindy Klasky - The Glasswright's Series: The Glasswright's Test
Mindy Klasky - The Glasswright's Series: The Glasswright's Master
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Marked
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Betrayed
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Chosen
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Untamed
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Hunted
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Tempted
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Burned
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast - House of Night Series: Awakened
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Goddess of the Sea
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Goddess of Spring
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Goddess of the Rose
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Goddess of Love
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Goddess of Light
P.C. Cast - Goddess Summoning Series: Warrior Rising
P.C. Cast -  Elphame's Choice
P.C. Cast - Brighid's Quest
P.C. Cast - Divine Series: Divine by Mistake
P.C. Cast - Divine Series: Divine by Choice
P.C. Cast - Divine Series: Divine by Blood
P.C. Cast - Divine Series: Divine Beginnings
P.C. Cast - Mysteria
P.C. Cast - Mysteria Lane
Chloe Neil - Chicagoland Vampire: Some Girls Bite
Chloe Neil - Chicagoland Vampire: Friday Night Bites
Chloe Neil - Chicagoland Vampire: Twice Bitten
Chloe Neil - Chicagoland Vampire: Hard Bitten
Chloe Neil - Chicagoland Vampire: Drink Deep
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Great Hunt
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Dragon Reborn
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Shadow Rising
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Fires of Heaven
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: Lord of Chaos
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: A Crown of Swords
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Path of Daggers
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: Winter's Heart
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: Crossroads of Twilight
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: Knife of Dreams
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: The Gathering Storm
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: Towers of Midnight
Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time: A Memory of Light
Lauren Kate - Fallen
Lauren Kate - Torment
Lauren Kate - Passion
Paula Morris - Ruined
Scott Westerfeld - Leviathan
Scott Westerfeld - Behemoth
Scott Westerfeld - Goliath
Scott Westerfeld - Uglies Series: Uglies
Scott Westerfeld - Uglies Series: Pretties
Scott Westerfeld - Uglies Series: Specials
Scott Westerfeld - Uglies Series: Extras
Scott Westerfeld - The Midnighters: The Secret Hour
Scott Westerfeld - The Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Scott Westerfeld - The Midnighters: Blue Noon
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 2: Kissing Coffins
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 3: Vampireville
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 4: Dance with a Vampire
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 5: The Coffin Club
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 6: Royal Blood
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 7: Love Bites
Ellen Schreiber - Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Carvings
Claudia Gray - Evernight Academy
Claudia Gray - Evernight Academy: Stargazer
Claudia Gray - Evernight Academy: Hourglass
Claudia Gray - Evernight Academy: Afterlife
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Guilty Pleasures
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - The Laughing Corpse
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Circus of the Damned
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - The Lunatic Cafe
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Bloody Bones
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - The Killing Dance
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Burnt Offerings
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Blue Moon
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Obsidian Butterfly
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Narcissus in Chains
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Cerulean Sins
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Incubus Dreams
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Micah
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Dance Macabre
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  The Harlequin
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Blood Noir
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Skin Trade
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake -  Flirt
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Bulltet
Laurell K. Hamilton - Anita Blake - Hit List
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - A Kiss of Shadows
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - A Caress of Twilight
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - Seduced by Moonlight
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - A Stroke of Midnight
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - Mistral's Kiss
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - A Lick of Frost
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - Swalowing Darkness
Laurell K. Hamilton - Merry Gentry - Divine Misdemeanors
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Secret Vampire
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Daughters of Darkness
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Spellbinder
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Dark Angel
L.J. Smith - The Night World: The Chosen
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Soulmate
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Huntress
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Black Dawn
L.J. Smith - The Night World: Witchlight
L.J. Smith - The Dark Visions: The Strange Power
L.J. Smith - The Dark Visions: The Possessed
L.J. Smith - The Dark Visions: The Passion
L.J. Smith - The Forbidden Game: The Hunter
L.J. Smith - The Forbidden Game: The Chase
L.J. Smith - The Forbidden Game: The Kill
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: The Fury 
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Nightfall
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls (What the hell L.J. Smith? What have you turned these books into?)
L.J. Smith - The Vampire Diaries:The Return: Midnight
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unwed
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unemployed
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unappreciated
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unreturnable
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unpopular
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Uneasy
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unworthy
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unwelcome
Mary Janice Davidson - The Undead Series: Undead and Unfinished
Mercedes Lackey - Halfblood Chronicles: Elvenbane
Mercedes Lackey - Halfblood Chronicles: Elvenblood
Mercedes Lackey - Halfblood Chronicles: Elvenborn
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms: The Fairy Godmother
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms: One Good Knight
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms:  Fortune's Fool
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms: The Snow Queen
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms: The Sleeping Beauty
Mercedes Lackey - Five Hundred Kingdoms: Beauty and the Werewolf
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: Halfway to the Grave
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: One Foot in the Grave
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: At Grave's End
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: Destined for an Early Grave
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: This Side of the Grave
Jeanine Frost - Night Huntress: One Grave at a Time
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: Moon Called
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: Blood Bound
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: Iron Kissed
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: Bone Crossed
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: Silver Borne
Patricia Briggs - The Mercedes Thompson Series: River Marked
Veronica Roth - Divergent
Veronica Roth -  Insurgent
Parker Blue - Try Me
Parker Blue - Bite Me
Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins - Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins -  Mockingjay
Diana Rowland - Secrets of the Demon
Diana Rowland - Mark of the Demon
Diana Rowland - Blood of the Demon

That's it for now... I'll update this list as I read them (the one in bold are read...). Maybe I'll make a new list later when I'm done with these.

Edit: I added more to this list since I'm too lazy to make a new list and I haven't exactly finished the ones here.

Edit: I made an account on Goodreads.com and since I'm too lazy to keep updating this list, you can see my read/to read/currently reading lists over there.
I'm still in the process of putting books into the read pile. I've read hundreds of books until now so there are a lot of them.


Just when I was about to finish filling the main colors Photoshop decides to annoy the hell out of me and crash.
This was all I could save ((&^$^%#)...
WIP Siren
That is the file I've been working on for the past God knows how many hours. I had finished the background as well... Gah...
4/13/2011 | By: Alex

New wips

Dude's profile sketch
Boy on rock WIP 1
I've tried my hand at a little bit of background. Obviously, I need more practice.
Butterfly Girl WIP 1
Girl and Snake WIP 2
Mermaid with legs:D WIP 1
Forest Pond
The last is a little bit old, from last year I think, but the rest are newer, February-March-April.
4/12/2011 | By: Alex

Best gifts ever!!!

I got the gifts from my sister today.:)) Best gifts ever!:)) Oxygen scented candles (these are the best things I've ever received), Coca Cola lip smackers:)), a peace scented candle, a lamp, vanilla scented candles, badges with funny stuff ("Blame my parents" and "If I throw a stick will you leave?"), a strawberry scented candle, postcards from Berlin - I collect them.
She knows me so well:D
The only thing I regret is that I only bought for her birthday a bright pink monkey with glasses and feet earrings:)) I really should have bought her something more... I'm not really sure what... the stuff I've seen in stores are kinda boring. I was lucky to find the pink monkey. :D
Maybe I can find a snow globe with a zombie inside? That would be funny.
I always did say the best gift is something weird and funny.:))
Love you, sis!

P.S. next year I'm buying you something weirder:D 
3/28/2011 | By: Alex

Computer problems

Last night, after writing like crazy for a project that's due in a couple of days, I decided to take a little break. I closed all my windows and watched a movie. After the movie ended I was thinking I still had a little time to write a few more pages. Imagine my surprise when, after opening my computer I discovered my programs had vanished.
Thinking it was probably a virus I looked for my antivirus... only to discover it half-eaten by the damn thing!
Thankfully, none of the things I wrote was lost and most of the files on my hard-drive were safely forgotten by the program-eating virus.
My problem today is a little worse though... Apparently, even after scanning my computer with my new antivirus it wasn't able to find anything. So I uninstalled it and tried with another. Same result.
Conclusion? I think my computer is possessed. I'm going to call a priest very soon...
3/11/2011 | By: Alex

Doodles and WIP

~ WIP - Girl and Snake ~
~WIP - Tamed Dragon~
~WIP - Dreams~
   I'm not decided yet if I should call the last one Dreams or Lost in the Dream World. Eh... I'll figure out which one sounds better by the time I finish them. I appreciate any feedback.
3/10/2011 | By: Alex


   Felt like sharing this one. I like how it turned out.
   Also, I had my birthday this Tuesday... Felt like crap the entire time. I still do. I just hope whatever I have that makes me feel like this, is going to magically disappear by the end of the week.
   Anyone know any magical cures?
3/09/2011 | By: Alex


My name is Meridian Sozu. I am a Fenestra. I have always shared my world with the dead and the dying. But I really didn't understand what that meant until I turned sixteen and glimpsed my own mortality. . .

Sixteen-year-old Meridian has always been surrounded by death. As a child, insects, mice, and salamanders burrowed into her bedclothes to die. As she grew, the animals got bigger, and soon they were finding her at school to die in her presence. Meridian became an outcast, labeled by her classmates as Reaper, Gravedigger, and Witch. Each death she witnesses weakens her body, and loneliness weakens her spirit.  
On her sixteenth birthday, she witnesses a deadly car crash. Though she’s untouched, Meridian's body explodes with the victims’ pain.

Before she can fully recover, Meridian is told that she's a danger to her family and rushed to her great-aunt's house in Revelation, Colorado. It's there that she learns the secret her mother has been hiding her entire life: that she is a Fenestra, the half-angel, half-human link between the living and the dead. It's crucial that she learn how to transition human souls to the afterlife and preserve the balance between good and evil on earth. But Meridian and her sworn protector and love, Tens, face great danger from the Aternocti, a band of dark forces who capture vulnerable souls on the brink of death and cause chaos. Dark, lovely, and lushly romantic, MERIDIAN introduces a powerful heroine who will entrance readers.

     This was a lovely book, a little dark, fun and beautifully written. I couldn't put it down before finishing it (then again, I do that with most books).

I forgot to put a link to the book for the other one (the Madison Avery book), so I'll repost that one with a link.

This is a link to this book that I found on the internet:  

This blog will not host anything but I will provide readers with links to books. I recommend you buy the book in order to support the author.
2/21/2011 | By: Alex

Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison


The number one book in the Madison Avery's series (not counting number zero:D - Madison Avery and the Dim Reaper - published in the Prom Nights from Hell anthology) tells the story of a girl whose body has been stolen by the dark reapers' hot and sexy boss (with whom she's already shared a kiss) and who is now trying to destroy her soul.
Madison is the new girl at school, not really caring she isn't liked by the popular crowd who mostly consists of bullies and mean, empty-headed girls. She doesn't fit in with the other cliques either though. Most likely because dying changed her priorities a bit.
Hide from Kairos. Try not to let the black wings get you. Get body back. Make friends at school.

I've started reading the anthology out of boredom and never expected to be so hooked on it. Madison Avery and the Dim Reaper made me laugh at the witty remarks and it felt good to read something new without the overused subjects.
I mean, the girl dies in the first book and she then proceeds to steal a very powerful amulet from the very guy who kissed and killed her. What subject is better that that? Throw in some light reaper material made of Barnabas, a fallen angel who is supposed to teach Madison about the amulet she stole and claimed as her own, a human boy named Josh who first acted as a jerk but quickly reassess his opinions when he gets to really know Madison. And of course, there is Kairos, the timekeeper/Madison's killer/boss of the dark reapers who wants Madison dead for reasons that keep you reading until the end of the book (don't worry, those reasons aren't used as a cliffhanger for the next book). Chronos, the leader of the light reapers, also named Ron (which makes me think of Harry Potter's sidekick) plays a big role in the story as well since he keeps Madison's situation from reaching the higher ups (seraphs) ears. Another important character, from my opinion anyway, is Nakita, a dark reaper, older than time, who ends the story with a bang (I really hadn't expected her to do what she did).
All in all, the story was amazing and the heroine's style unforgettable and I can't wait to read the next book, Early to Death, Early to Rise.

Here's one of my favourite parts in the Once Dead, Twice Shy book:

I stared at my amulet. It was beautiful, the black stone glinting with tiny silver lights at its
center like stars. I couldn’t look at the seraph’s face, it hurt so much, but I felt like it was
smiling at me. “Madison, fate—not choice—sent Kairos to kill you. Fate gave you
courage to claim his amulet. Fate caused Chronos to hide you from us. It has been fate
that angled a hundred moments to bring you here. And yet, you have to choose to accept
your place or return as you were.”
Still I hesitated from going back. “Which would you choose?” I asked. “If you could.”
The seraph laughed. “Neither, I am me. Choice? Fate? They are the same. I cannot see
the difference. It is why only a human can twist time to his or her will. When you fly high
enough, seeing around the corners of time is not a problem, but it makes separating the
future and the past difficult.”

 You can also get more info about this series at the author's website: www.kimharrison.net

This is a link to this book that I found on the internet:  

This blog will not host anything but I will provide readers with links to books. I recommend you buy the book in order to support the author.